Borodin String Quartet No. 2—Part 1
Borodin, String Quartet, Musical Analysis Kyle Collins Borodin, String Quartet, Musical Analysis Kyle Collins

Borodin String Quartet No. 2—Part 1

Borodin’s String Quartet No. 2 begins with an Allegro moderato where the cello introduces a lyrical First Theme, quickly taken up by the first violin. This dialogue between instruments imbues the music with a personal touch, reflecting Borodin’s affection for his wife. The exposition progresses through distinct themes, including a darker secondary theme and a chromatic closing theme. The development explores these themes in varied keys, leading into a recapitulation that features a surprising colour change to E-flat major and a joyful climax. The movement concludes with a tranquil coda. The second movement, a Scherzo, sparkles with Mendelssohnian influence and features playful themes and a contrasting Trio section.

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